Poliexport Ltd has in recent years increased its involvement in the industrial sector, working alongside architects and engineers for multi-national companies on worldwide projects.
Our engineers and cad designers customise manufacturing solutions in fibreglass and polycarbonates for large or small projects. Portugal’s first electric car body was made in our factory.
Poliexports all weather preservation and storage containers can be manufactured to suit all sizes and complex forms for engineering, chemical, electrical and leisure industries.
Large lighting diffusers for sports halls and arenas have a spectacular impact as well as being functional.
Vendemos produtos para o fabrico de peças poliéster – PlásticoReforçado: Resina poliester, fibra de vidro, tecidos, gelcoat, pastas pigmentadas,massa de colagem, cera desmoldante, tecido kevlar, resina epoxy, etc.